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- How I have less than 8 hours of calls per week...
How I have less than 8 hours of calls per week...
My system for eliminating phone calls..
My calendar is pretty empty with phone calls. Most of the time it looks like this…

Since 2019, I’ve built an entire system for being able to eliminate almost all of the needed phone calls and meetings.
Those I mentor have borrowed this and my team also borrows this. In my experience not many phone calls are actually needed in business, especially for the founder.
Most of the time, phone calls happen due to the fact that…
You don’t want to actually think about something and it’s due to being lazy.
You don’t want to disappoint someone.
You don’t really value your time and energy.
You don’t understand the R.O.I of not doing the phone call.
You’ve always done it that way and don’t believe there is another way.
In 2019, I eliminated all my sale calls for my personal brand business. In 2020, I extended that for all calls in my life.
In my life, in this current season my “time” is 12-5 each day. That’s for work, for working out, for a walk, for a drive, or whatever else I want to do. That means I don’t have a lot of time for calls.
Years ago, it wasn’t like that. This is the exact same week in 2019.

The thing is… life is too short to be on a bunch of calls where you waist majority of your time talking about things that don’t matter and listening to someone that doesn’t understand how to effectively communicate, attempt to communicate.
Thus… my entire life is built around being asynchronous.
From my mentorship and advisory clients…
To the companies I invest in…
To the companies I own…
To everything I do.
It’s all about voice and text.
Thing is… it’s a transition to go from calls to text and audio.
Why? Because you have to transition people in your life. You must have boundaries. You must be okay with having people thinking you're “too good for a phone call” and you have to position it in a way that’s effective.
In essence— you must rebrand to the people in your life that phone calls aren’t fun.
In my life, I have a simple rule.
If a phone call will not make me $100,000 within 5 years, I won’t take it.
Why? Because I value the time of my life at $100,000 per hour.
I value looking into the eyes of my wife or my son and understanding just how important that is. I don’t live to work. I live to live.
For a long time, I didn’t live this way.
For a long time, I didn’t value it. I would always find time to put someone on my calendar.
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Over the past 4 years of living my life this way, I’ve learnt how to deploy this as a system inside of your life.
Being able to communicate with your team effectively (I rarely do team meetings).
Being able to communicate with your clients and customers, while they are happy they don’t need a phone call.
Being able to eliminate sale calls from your process and use text and voice instead.
Being able to delete phone calls from your delivery.
Being able to delete phone calls from every single pillar of your business existence.
Heck— I’ve bought 7-figure+ companies without ever talking on the phone until the very end of the process.
So, how do you do it? It comes down to 6 pillars:
Strategy — Where and how to use this inside of your business and what’s possible and what’s not possible.
Positioning — How to ensure you’re positioned to your team, your clients, your leads and those in your business in the right way so they see you as an authority, allowing for async.
Process — How to use the right questions, framing and structure of communication to keep things inside of flow.
Mindset — To be able to deal with the people pleaser, imposter syndrome and many other elements that will get in the way.
Boundaries — The ability to stay on what you said you would do, no matter what inside of your business.
Education — How to educate someone who is used to having phone calls that this way is even better.
Once you understand how to do this for you and your life— it takes about a year to fully integrate it inside of everything you do.
For me… I went from 30+ hours of phone calls per week to a maximum of 8 hours of phone calls for everything I do.
The first year I implemented it, my revenue and profit increased and didn’t decrease. Further— people loved it.
Thus, my question and point of this today is… What are you doing in your life that you’re doing simply because that’s how you’ve always done it?
How can you use Async inside of your life? What would your life look like?
And if you’re really wanting to know more… on Thursday I’m going deep on this to show you how to do it all.
- Scott